Monday, September 13, 2010
Strengths Finder
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Financial Peace University
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
The Enemy's Trying To Tear Down Your House
Friday, July 2, 2010
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Why is it that day after day I insist on exhausting myself trying to DO EVERYTHING? I woke up this morning and after getting breakfast for my 3 kids, I took a super (60 second) shower, got the kids dressed, juiced my veggies and fruit, made myself breakfast, got a snack ready for my son’s summer class- typical morning activities at the Lowder’s house.
And somehow I had 10 minutes to spare before jumping in the car to take my son to class. But instead of sitting down for the first time in several hours, I decided to race outside and weed the garden. Seriously? Weed the garden? Would my day somehow have been incomplete with grass and greens sprouting up among the vegetables? Would I have doomed myself a failure if I hadn’t tended to the strawberries?
From all the other mom blogs I’ve visited, this seems to be a common mom problem. We all work ourselves silly to try to be supermoms. Not that there aren’t things that need to be done throughout the day. But it’s those relatively unimportant tasks that many of us can’t seem to let go. At least that’s the case for me.
Occasionally I find myself daydreaming about how great it would be if there were 3 of me- one to wash clothes, one to prepare meals, one to play with the kids, and hopefully one of me could take some time and chill out.
I don’t foresee cloning in my future so my days will continue with too many things to do and not enough time for what’s really important. My husband frequently comes home from work and wonders why I’m crabby. “Can’t you see all that needs to be done before I can relax?”
Time out! Supermom needs a nap.